Sunday, 29 July 2012


A few months ago I purchased a tub of sudocrem in the hope it was clear up my spot invested face. I had heard a lot about it from various blogs and magazines (apparently Cheryl Cole uses it?!) and decided to give it a whirl.

3 months later it is now one of my favourite skin care products! It clears up spots so much quicker than your average ‘spot relief’ cream and you can use it for lots of other things including; minor burns, eczema and sun burn. So far I have used it on my own eczema and a straighter burn on my leg (don’t ask) and I can safely say both things have started to clear up faster since I have been using it.

The tubs themselves are not too expensive and you do get a lot for your money. You also don’t need to use a lot to get good results; I have barely scraped the surface of my pot in the last three months.

The consistency of the product is a little strange. It reminds me of clotted cream because it’s quite thick but smooth at the same time. Because of this, application can be a little hard because you have to really rub it in to your skin but once you get used to it it’s fine.

I have heard some rumours across the blogging world that sudocrem dries your skin out. For me personally, this is not the case. I don’t know weather it’s because I have quite dry skin anyway but I really can’t tell any difference.

So that was a collection of my thoughts on sudocrem, in short, I love it J

Please leave us a comment if you have tried sudocrem or have any recommendations of a similar product! xo

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